applications  Tensioner Applications

Brand <-


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Version <-

2.4 VVT-i

Applications   TOYOTA Auto  Previa  2.4 VVT-i

engine engine size supply code  type period note
2AZ-FSE engine_go 2362 B RKT2297  A August 2000 to January 2006 Puleggia di ricambio per RKT2289
2AZ-FSE engine_go 2362 B RKT2289  A August 2000 to January 2006 Ricambi: RKT2297 / RKT3359
2AZ-FSE engine_go 2362 B RKT3198  AL August 2000 to January 2006
2AZ-FSE engine_go 2362 B RKT3359  A August 2000 to January 2006 Damper di ricambio per RKT2289